String Methods and Concatenation

// String Methods & Concatenation

const firstName = 'Jean Claude';
const lastName = 'van Johnshon';
const age = 36;
const str = 'Hello there my name is Gabor';
const tags = 'web development,web design,programming';

let val;

// Concatenation
val = firstName + ' ' + lastName;

// Append
val = 'James ';
val += 'Cole';

val = 'Hello, my name is ' + firstName + ' and I am ' + age + ' years old.';

// Escaping

//val = 'That's awesome, I can't wait';
val = 'That\'s awesome, I can\'t wait';

// Length
val = firstName.length;

// Concat
val = firstName.concat(' ', lastName);

// Change case
val = firstName.toUpperCase();
val = firstName.toLowerCase();

val = firstName[3];

// indexOf()
val = firstName.indexOf('e');
val = firstName.lastIndexOf('e');

// charAt()
val = firstName.charAt('0');

//Get last character
val = firstName.charAt(firstName.length - 1);

// substring()
val = firstName.substring(0, 4);

// slice()
val = firstName.slice(0, 4);
val = firstName.slice(-3);

// split()
val = str.split(' ');
val = tags.split(',');

// replace()
val = str.replace('Gabor', 'Scott');

// includes()
val = str.includes('Hello');

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